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Chrono24 Magazine: News and Perspectives From the Watch Industry
Five Cheaper (and Better) Alternatives to the Rolex Daytona
With prices north of $20,000 for a pre-owned specimen, the Rolex Daytona has become unattainable for most watch enthusiasts. The good news is that the following five chronographs are more affordable and in some cases even a little better than the legendary Rolex.
Donato Emilio Andrioli
5 minutes
International Women’s Day: We Belong to the WatchFam
March 8th isn’t just another day to shower women with flowers and chocolates. This International Women’s Day, let’s reflect on the evolving role of women in the watch industry, and look at how brands are reacting to the winds of change. Drawing on her 19 years of experience in the watch world, writer Sharmila Bertin is sharing her insights.
Sharmila Bertin
6 minutes