East Coast Time

Trusted Seller
This dealer owns a store in which you may view their watches.
Number of recommendations from other Chrono24 dealers: 2
Watches sold with Buyer Protection: 16

1.7 out of 5 stars  |  Reviews: 16

Detailed explanation of ratings 

 0.0 Item description
 1.7 Communication
88% of buyers would recommend this dealer.

Here's what buyers are saying about this dealer

Older than 30 days

Order canceled

Review by Kathryn T. from on 28. February 2023

Audemars Piguet ...


Buyer's comment:

Sold watch they did not have available. Sent wire, paid fees, waiting for shipping information. After days of it not shipping I sent an inquiry and they said they didn’t actually have the watch. Lost all the fees even though I completed my part of the purchase.

Order canceled

Review by from on 14. December 2021

Patek Philippe ...

Buyer recommends this dealer


Buyer's comment:
