Maier Vintage

Trusted Seller
This dealer owns a store in which you may view their watches.
Number of recommendations from other Chrono24 dealers: 4
Watches sold with Buyer Protection: 643

4.7 out of 5 stars  |  Reviews: 447

Detailed explanation of ratings 

 4.8 Shipping
 4.7 Item description
 4.7 Communication
97% of buyers would recommend this dealer.

Here's what buyers are saying about this dealer

Older than 30 days

Order canceled

Review by A from on 11. July 2023

Vulcain ...


Buyer's comment:

Item not in stock, yet listed for sale and payment processed.

Dealer's comment:

Watch has been purchased before on Chrono 24, and stay available on the status, we can't previous this kind of mistake.

Review by James from on 01. August 2022


Item description

Buyer's comment:

The watch was advertised at a new unworn 2019 model. The dealer confirmed this to me in a message. When it arrived, I noticed it looked different from other Nomos watches I have seen. I contacted the manufacturer who said they thought the watch is in fact about 20 years old. Returning the watch was very difficult due to overseas shipping and customs. I had to pay for the return myself even though the dealer described the watch incorrectly. Overall a very bad experience.

Order canceled

Review by Scalarini M. from on 01. March 2022

Tudor ...


Buyer's comment:

Ha messo in vendita un orologio e quando mi è stato venduto, mi scrive che lo ha mandato a revisionare ! Domanda: ma non si revisionano prima della messa in vendita ?

Dealer's comment:

Bonjour, désolé pour ce contre-temps, cela peut arriver. La montre est désormais prête et peut être livrée en 24h.

Review by Nicolas M. from on 26. January 2019

Bell & Ross ...

Item description

Buyer's comment:

Le mouvement de la montre était HS car n'a jamais été révisé, et présentait une avance de 10 sec par minute. Détail passé sous silence dans l'annonce...