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What watch would you like to sell?

  • 90% sales rate
  • Get the best price
  • Low commission fee

Success in 4 Simple Steps!

How Selling on Chrono24 Works

Secure Payments

Your transactions are secure, thanks to the Chrono24 Escrow Service. The buyer wires the money to our escrow account, you ship the watch, and after successful delivery of the watch has been confirmed we'll pay you the full amount (minus our commission fee) within 7 days.

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Our Tips for Private Sellers

Learn how to make your listing more attractive, take professional photos, and send your watch safely.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

+1 646-887-3561
It's easy to create a free watch listing on Chrono24.

You'll be asked to enter all the most important information about your timepiece.
What's more, you can also add a detailed description of its condition, service history, repairs, and accessories. This makes your listing even more appealing to potential buyers.
High-quality images and close-ups of the watch, its condition, and any accessories round off a good listing.
If you've never listed a watch on Chrono24 before, you will have to register before you can complete your listing.
Use the free appraisal tool on Chrono24. We compare your watch to 500,000 listings from around the world and then give you a suggested price. This helps you sell your watch at the best possible rate.

Of course, you are also welcome to browse listings manually on Chrono24 and analyze their prices. Alternatively, you can have your timepiece appraised by a jeweler or auction house.

Please note that you can get a higher sales price by listing your watch online. Prices received from auction houses and jewelers are usually on the low end as they need to consider their margins when making a purchase.
The 6.5% commission fee is only due after you've completed a sale on Chrono24.

We automatically retain the commission fee at the time of payout from the Chrono24 escrow account.
In the rare case that the Escrow Service is unavailable (e.g., if the buyer is in a country not covered by this service), you'll receive an invoice for the commission fee upon completion of the transaction.

More questions and answers

Do you have any questions?

Our support team would be happy to help.

+1 646-887-3560